mercredi 9 juin 2010

Our favorite places in Detroit

Adrienne :- Kim's Produce
- the Henry Ford Museum

- Avalon bakery

Colombe : 
-  The Traffic Jam and Snug restaurant
-  The fountain in front of the DIA
Octave :
- Lafayette Park
- Greenfield Village
Alice :
- the Diego Rivera mural at the DIA

- the vegetable and community gardens

- R Hirt Jr. grocery store

- Leopold's Books

- the Detroit Film Theater

- Eastern Market

-Mies van der Rohe's townhouses and high-rise in Lafayette Park

-the Fox Theater :

Cyril : 
- Goodwells Natural Food Markets (the pocket sandwich: in a whole wheat pita, a soy patty topped with baby spinach leaves, crisp romaine lettuce, fresh-sliced tomatoes and cucumbers with alfalfa sprouts and tofu sauce for ...4.50 $ !)

- The abandoned train station

- The lobby in the Maccabees Building

-the Art Deco skyscrapers in downtown Detroit

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